Figure 49-20
This schematic diagram depicts the complete fiberoptic
bronchoscopy picture of left-sided double-lumen endotracheal tubes (both the desired
view and the view to be avoided from both of the lumens). A,
When the bronchoscope is passed down the left lumen of a left-sided tube, the endoscopist
should see a very slight left luminal narrowing and a clear straight-ahead view of
the bronchial carina off in the distance. Excessive left luminal narrowing should
be avoided. B, When the bronchoscope is passed down
the right lumen of a left-sided tube, the endoscopist should see a clear straight-ahead
view of the tracheal carina and the upper surface of the blue left endobronchial
cuff just below the tracheal carina. Excessive pressure in the endobronchial cuff,
as manifested by tracheal carinal deviation to the right and herniation of the endobronchial
cuff over the carina, should be avoided. (From Benumof JL: Anesthesia for
Thoracic Surgery. Philadelphia, WB Saunders, 1987.)